Sober Living vs Halfway House: What’s the Difference?

These people also understand what it is like to use drugs, to crave drugs, to feel distant or depressed, to lose control, and to disappoint others. Most of all, they have desire and drive to change, and become the best possible people they can be, without drugs or alcohol. Landmark Recovery was founded with a determination to make addiction treatment accessible for all. Through our integrated treatment programs, we’ve helped thousands of people choose recovery over addiction and get back to life on their own terms. We encourage all those struggling with substance use to seek professional help.

how does sober living work

SLH rules prevent engaging or substituting addictions, and help build healthy life habits. Residents must continue to follow the rules through their entire stay. Sober living programs provide transitional homes for guided independent living.

How does sober living work?

Rent usually covers all living expenses besides food and entertainment. Some sober houses charge an initial deposit or fee, and these fees range from $25 to $300 or more. Prices for recovery homes tend to follow the overall real estate market. The duties and responsibilities of residents at sober living houses and halfway houses are very similar in nature.

Because a large number do not have a stable living environment that supports abstinence from alcohol and drugs, ORS developed SLHs where clients can live while they attend the outpatient program. The houses are different from freestanding SLHs, such as those at CSTL, because all residents must be involved in the outpatient program. Most residents enter the houses after residing in a short term homeless shelter located near the program. At admission, nearly all residents are eligible for some type of government assistance (e.g., general assistance or social security disability) and use those funds to pay SLH fees. To help limit social isolation and reduce costs residents share bedrooms.

What’s a Sober House?

Sober living houses are often used as a transitional step for people who have completed an inpatient treatment program and are not yet ready to return to everyday living. Living in a sober living house provides a structured, drug-free environment with house rules and guidelines to help residents maintain their sobriety and develop life skills to support their recovery. Sober living houses typically have house managers who oversee daily operations and enforce house rules. Residents are usually required to be participating in active recovery.

how does sober living work

However, studies on the effectiveness of sober living communities find that they do indeed help increase the odds for successful long-term sobriety. Integrated sober living and intensive outpatient programs like Selecting the Most Suitable Sober House for Addiction Recovery Next Step are a great choice for many. The strength of such programs is the combination of clinical therapy and long-term support. Sober Living houses have rules designed to keep residents on-track to sobriety.

What Did We Learn from Our Study on Sober Living Houses and Where Do We Go from Here?

While this seems like a disadvantage, paying rent can help a resident continue responsible financial habits. You can join a sober living home immediately after rehab, or you may find that adjusting to life outside of rehab is difficult. That’s when sober living can help with the transition from rehab to your normal environment. Not everyone who goes through drug or alcohol detox and rehab will need this step, but sober living can help reinforce what you’ve learned in rehab.

  • Sober living homes are places where people in recovery can live for a while, typically after an inpatient treatment program.
  • By entering a sober living home, you can continue to be in an environment that promotes sober living.
  • Often the structure and routine of treatment programs help keep folks sober, and risking the loss of that when completing the program can be a threat to your recovery.
  • We’ll go over the different types of people who typically benefit from a sober living situation or substance abuse halfway house in a later section.
  • You will also have the freedom to shop for your own meals, cook your own meals, and fill life with the things that bring you joy.
  • The brotherhood between house members empowers everyone to walk through tribulations with much-needed support, and to meet our high standards.

We specialize in helping young men often classified as “failure to launch“, providing them with the necessary toolset to go out into the world successfully, and refocus the direction of their lives. Addressing much more than just drug abuse or alcohol addiction, New Life House helps young men launch. If you or a loved one are struggling with mental health or substance abuse, we can help. You see, substance abuse and addiction make lasting changes in the brain – they alter how our brain cells work, and therefore our ability to make rational decisions or exhibit self-control.

Some sober houses are age specific, i.e. failure to launch younger teens to early 20s. Most seem to have a mix in age, but if it is important to you, it is certainly worth exploring when interviewing houses. Self-governing houses are just that – residents hold each other accountable and house rules don’t look much different from the less restrictive houses. The restrictions may be less stringent, but house rules still apply. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication, but it also requires the right environment for successful sobriety. When you’re in early recovery, it can be a struggle to maintain sobriety if you head straight back to the life you had before recovery.

how does sober living work

There may be morning activities such as a 12 Step or group counseling sessions. If not, you’ll search for employment, help with more house chores, or perform community service. In the evenings, you can expect sharing a meal with all your housemates and a group session. Sober living homes help residents with a number of things that can help guide them through the road to recovery. For example, giving residents the chance to make amends with friends and family members. Introducing them to a sober support network of peers who are also in recovery.

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